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Pros and Cons of Raising Children

2754 day ago

Parenting is one of the biggest decisions in life that one would ever make so before entering this stage of life, prospective parents should plan and consider how this can affect their lives. Parenting is generally challenging and it brings drastic changes to one’s lifestyle. New parents may find this enjoyable while some may find it difficult to adjust their life to the changes. Although there are struggles, parenting still gives incomparable rewards especially when you successfully shape the life of your child. If you are planning to get into parenthood, here are a few pros and cons of raising children for you to know once you reach this stage of your life.

The Pros of Raising Children

Forming a Bond

dad and child bonding

dad and child bonding

Bonding is essential for a child’s development since this is their first intimate relationship they will have with the people closest to them. This also raises your child’s self-esteem while simultaneously contributing to their social and mental development. The bond that parents form with their little ones is one of the enjoyable parts of parenting, and seeing their child smile is genuine happiness for every parent. While some parents are able to immediately form a bond with their child, it may take time for others to do so. The bond between parents and a child is formed through caregiving since they depend totally on their parents for everything, which is why the attachment you have for each other lasts for a lifetime. Having this kind of bond is one of the advantages of raising children since the connection between you and your child is something really strong and unbreakable.


Sense of Accomplishment

girl with medals

girl with medals

When you enter parenthood, you will be sacrificing a lot of things for your child. However, despite facing a lot of challenges and having less time for yourself, you will acquire a sense of fulfillment after successfully raising, teaching, and caring for your children. Seeing them healthy and growing well will definitely give you great joy because it means that you have done a wonderful job.


Influencing a Life

happy bonding

happy bonding

Among the necessary parts of parenting is raising a child who chooses to live morally. This is why you need to teach your child respect and how to treat others; while also teaching them about the consequences that they may face when doing certain things. If your children apply correct morals and values that you teach them, it will be extremely rewarding for you since they will be a contributing member of society who will influence your community’s next generation.

Cons of Raising Children


It is Tiring and Expensive

kid at school

kid at school

Parenting is fun yet it may also be stressful. Parents are responsible for their children, they always need to provide for their children at all times, even if it requires them to stay up late at night. Seeing an exhausted mother, or even father, who does not have enough time to do other things is one of the reasons why some people refuse to raise children. Aside from being tiring, raising children is also very expensive and it is generally one of the main factors why a lot of couples postpone this until they are financially stable.


The Effect on Relationships

child tantrums

child tantrums

Raising a child will definitely affect relationships and this can be in a positive or negative. Some couples believe that their children have somehow solved a few of their problems, but this does not apply to everyone. At times, when parents raise a child, the relationship with their partner sometimes becomes a second priority since caring for the child will be the main concern. When you raise children, one of the biggest changes that may happen concerning the relationship with your partner is that you may end up having very little time for each other, so before getting into parenthood, be sure to talk about this with your partner first and ensure that such challenges may be overcame by the two of you.



Sandra Bullock, a German-American actress who is a mother of two daughters said “I’m simply the mother who creates lunch, drives the children to school, finds where their things are, washes the dishes and clothes, and I’m also here to have fun and play. And that’s all I should be.” Raising a child can be a lot of fun, but while it has a lot of advantages, it also has its disadvantages. One of the best things about parenthood is that you are also able to learn a lot of things about yourself while caring and teaching your children. Aside from this, you will also have a lot of heartwarming moments to experience as a family. When your child gets older, you can head out to enjoy playing with the Whistlecopter toys which are extremely fun; and not only that, playing with these toys can also teach them a lot of important things as they explore together with you.

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