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Autumn Season

Fun and Interesting Facts about Fall

2592 day ago

Fall is just around the corner and you will have to pull out your sweaters from your drawers and closets to head out and enjoy the weather while watching the leaves turn into beautiful shades of orange, yellow, and red. While fall is a lovely and enjoyable time of the Read more...

anxious child

Anxious Children – Things to Do and Not to Do

2597 day ago

Children also experience stress but for those who suffer from anxiety disorders, handling their worries is extremely challenging. In fact, there are severe cases of this kind of disorder which may lead to children’s behavioral changes such as the following: lack of appetite, excessive or not sleeping, or they may Read more...

child on TV

Stop the Drain Brain – Keeping your Child’s Mind Sharp

2604 day ago

It could be summer or spring break, the Christmas holidays, or the weekend – it does not matter which season is present, but these times are great reasons for your children to settle in front of the TV. Too much television eventually decreases the sharpness of their minds, plus it Read more...

Great Ways to Celebrate Labor Day

2614 day ago

A lot of holidays have lost their meaning over the years and one of these is Labor Day. Although this holiday was originally organized to honor American workers, most people know this as the day that marks the end of summer. Or a time for backyard barbecue with family and Read more...

scavenger hunt

Fun Water Games and Toys for All

2618 day ago

Getting out and playing under the sun this summer is fun and exciting for everyone! Besides being fun heading outdoors to play also has a lot of great benefits for you and your children. Aside from running around in your backyard or in the park, your little ones can definitely Read more...


Gift Ideas for Children You Don’t Know Well

2627 day ago

One of the things that life throws most parents every year is realizing they have to purchase a present for a child they barely know. They could be a cousin’s child who lives overseas or a friend’s child whom you haven’t seen for a while. Certain classmates also fall into Read more...

toy microscope

Best Learning Toys for Children

2634 day ago

We are all aware that toys are some of the things that will help your children grow and develop to their brain; however, not all toys are created equal. Some mainly provide entertainment while others provide more learning and education for the little ones. As a parent and consumer, it Read more...

expressing themselves

Great Ways to Teach Art to Your Children

2639 day ago

Art is one of the most important things to teach your children to foster creativity in them. Aside from this, art also helps develop their mental, emotional, as well as social skills while simultaneously enhancing a child’s ability to analyze and solve problems. However, some parents who lack skills in the Read more...

fun summer activities

Fun Summer Activities for the Little Ones

2646 day ago

Another school year has ended and this simply means that it’s time for the summer again. During the period, you will need practical yet fresh and fun ideas to keep the little ones entertained. Otherwise, if you are not able to prepare some activities for the long vacation, they may Read more...


How Much Should You Spend on Your Child’s Gifts?

2646 day ago

We all know that having a child costs a lot. It has been estimated that the amount of money spent when raising a child reaches about $250,000; this is even before you include college expenses. However, parents should not blame essentials – such as child care and health care – Read more...

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