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Weight Watching

Reducing the Risk of Obesity in Children

2369 day ago

Obesity refers to having an excessive amount of body fat. It is not all about one’s looks because it increases the risks of acquiring other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When children are obese they have higher chances of acquiring more health problems Read more...

Depressed Child

Things Your Children Can Do Today to Prevent Depression

2376 day ago

There are some occasions when we feel down and sad– these may be the times when things don’t go our way. We lose someone close to us, or we get hurt. Just like us, children also experience down turns. However, some people do not only feel sad; they also feel as Read more...

Child Running Cautiously

Teaching Children Mindfulness

2382 day ago

Today, the world is so fast-paced that we easily miss the things that are going on around us. Most of us are too caught up in different things to notice what’s happening around us. Some of us distracted by things that happened yesterday, while others are worried about what will Read more...

Crying Child

Ways to Prevent Children from Misbehaving

2389 day ago

There is always a reason behind the way children behave. The best way to deal with this is through positive parenting. Address these reasons instead of punishing the behaviour since it will just make things worse and will not solve the problem. A common reason behind misbehaviour is development. For Read more...

Happy confident Children

How to Raise a Competent Child

2397 day ago

Competence is a main tool that helps us achieve our goals. Competence is what lets a person stay on track and know how to respond accordingly in situations. Competent people are able to overcome internal and external obstacles that may hinder them from accomplishing their goals. Competence helps children stay Read more...

Young Boy & Gadgets

Limiting your Child’s Exposure to Gadgets

2404 day ago

One thing we should worry about in this generation is the amount of time that children spend on their gadgets. Besides their obsession for their gadgets; children can experience adverse effects on their health which is another matter of concern. Children today use gadgets for studying, playing games, watching movies, Read more...

Enjoying the Outdoors

Outdoor Safety Tips for your Children

2411 day ago

You probably remember just how amazing it was playing outdoors as a child: you had unhindered bliss and felt like there was an endless amount of time for exploring outdoors and enjoying your adventures. The thing is, you probably got yourself in a lot of trouble during those times too. Read more...

Raising the Flag

Remembering Independence Day with your Children

2418 day ago

The 4th of July has become an excuse for a lot of Americans to feast on ribs, see fireworks displays, and decorate their surroundings with the nation’s colors. Celebrating Independence Day is extremely fun and there’s nothing wrong with doing so; however, it is necessary that you know why the Read more...

Happy Child

Ways to Develop Your Child’s Coping Skills

2424 day ago

Problems are a normal occurrence in life so a lot of families face certain situations that, despite all the efforts, can’t be fixed. Developing good coping skills is one way to allow us to identify the actual solutions to our problems. This also helps us learn to accept the things Read more...

Child Playing Soccer

How to Nurture Ambition in Children

2432 day ago

We cannot deny that parenting is a challenging task despite it being rewarding. It also does not matter if you are raising one child or many children since parenting will always be a learning opportunity. This is because it forces you to find ways to cope with each of your Read more...

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