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Teaching your Child to Sleep Alone

992 day ago

Having your children sleep alone is a big step when it comes time for them to be independent. It’s an important skill to acquire since it helps them feel safe and secure despite being alone. It is also necessary to know that a lot of people have things associated with their bedtime: some have their favorite pillow or blanket, while others follow a routine like reading a book or writing in their journals before switching the lights off.

Antique Clock

Children often get accustomed to having a parent next to them when they sleep. This can be a problem in the future because they may end up balking when a parent tries to separate from them during bedtime. However, there are a number of things that you can do to help your little ones adjust to falling asleep alone.



Fortunately, there are various ways to train your children to go to sleep and break this bedtime habit. Below are some of the best things that you can do to let your children have a better night’s sleep on their own.


Changing Negative Bedtime Habits

Mother Explaining to her Child

Solving a child’s sleep problem may be challenging but it’s still possible. To change the negative bedtime habits, try having a different approach. Parents of toddlers usually get trapped in this kind of situation, but keep in mind that you are teaching your child to be independent. It is your task to discipline them, set limits, and maintain boundaries even for bedtime routines. Parents fail to solve this problem when they allow their little ones to do what they want just to stop them from throwing a tantrum. Solving this issue will bring you one step closer to having them go to bed on their own. Gradually, taking these steps will help your children get used to being more independent and going to bed without you present.


Explain why you’re Training them to go to bed on their own


Before you train them to sleep in their own room, it’s important to prepare your children first. Let them know why you’re doing this to help lessen their anxiety.

Cozy Bedroom

Give Your Child A Break


When accompanying your children to bedtime, sit on a chair instead of sitting on their bed or lying next to them. If they protest, you can tell them that you feel more comfortable in that spot. Every night, slightly increase the distance of the chair from the bed, then add bathroom breaks to make your children comfortable in your absence. Slowly moving away from their sight will help them keep their focus on bedtime instead of thinking of having their parent with them. After some time, take a seat outside their room but stay by the door so you can keep track of them if they get up. If they get up to go to you, tell them to go back to bed. Also, leave their room before they fall asleep so they will not be dependent on you.

Dimly-Lit Room

Create a Good Sleeping Environment


Keep your little ones’ rooms free of distractions to create an environment that will help promote sleep. Remove computers, televisions, and other electronic devices. Keep the room dimly lit with a night lamp for children who might be afraid of the dark. Aside from the distractions and the lights, give your children the chance to choose their sheets. Having small responsibilities like this help them feel independent and it will also make them excited for bedtime.

Refusing to go to Bed

Always Be Consistent

One of the causes of unresolved problems is the lack of consistency. Make it a point that your child knows that they must stay in bed even when you leave their room. If they get up, be firm in telling them to stay in bed and do this whenever it happens. Be sure to always do this; otherwise, they will end up being persistent in asking you to stay with them.

Reward Good Behavior

Little Girl Enjoying Her Meal

Ignore undesirable behavior such as crying or throwing tantrums whenever you leave them for bedtime. If you see them sleep well on their own, you can let them choose what they want to have for breakfast or select their favorite restaurant to dine in when going out with the family. Having rewards will make them aware that this is what they get for behaving well.

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