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Easy First Aid Tips to Teach Kids

Easy First Aid Tips to Teach Kids

3125 day ago

Teaching your children a few basic yet vital first aid tips can help save a life; a simple no when your child tries to climb furniture or tries reaching for the stove can be a lot of help since it will give your child an idea that doing such things isn’t good. However, these are not enough reasons to stop teaching them important first aid tips.
Kids have  incredible capacity and potential to learn, so teaching them how to react promptly during emergencies at a young age can be a great advantage. Here are some easy yet important first aid tips that you can teach your kids as soon as you can:


Easy First Aid Tips to Teach Kids

photo courtesy of sheknows.com


  • Call 911


This is one of the simplest, easiest, yet most vital lessons to teach your kids; as soon as your children can recognize numbers teach them how to dial and call 911 during emergency situations.




  • Teach them How to Raise an Alarm!


Kids should know that calling the attention of an adult for help can at times, be the best type of help they can give; this is the reason why kids should be taught how to raise an alarm. You should not expect them to assess  certain emergency situations, nor is it their job to do so; however, by raising an alarm during emergencies, they will help themselves, as well as other people involved so it is best to teach them numerous ways to raise an alarm.
One great way to do this is by teaching them to use their Whistlecopter toys as alarms, letting these strong and durable toys launch up into the air to catch people’s attention. These are not only for playing but these can also help during certain emergency situations since it its bright LED lights while reaching as high as 200 feet in the air and also whistles on the way up.


Easy First Aid Tips to Teach Kids

photo courtesy of edu.au


  • Use a First-Aid Kit


Show your kids where the first aid kit is hidden. Also before going through its contents and its uses; let the child handle the items and try demonstrating some of the contents that you think they might be using while creating an imaginary situation where these items may be necessary. Have a safe summer.



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