The Fidget Spinner – Whistlecopter’s Hottest New Toy
2831 day agoAre you searching for the most exciting toy in the market today? Whistlecopter’s LED Fidget Spinner is the newest and hottest toy that can help reduce stress and can also put up an awesome light show to entertain anyone for hours! With its embedded metal ball bearings, each hand spinner can rotate more than two-hundred rapid rotations in one spin. This light spinner toy also has three axes and each of these feature red, green, and blue LED lights inside; once you push the button to switch on the toy, these lights will illuminate brightly for everyone to enjoy.
The Fidget Spinner from Whistlecopter is available in 2 Varieties. One has led lights and comes in a variety of colors which include the following: black, blue, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow. Additionally, the toy is also powered by replaceable CR1632 Lithium batteries and just like every Whistlecopter toy; the Lithium batteries used for the Fidget Spinner are all brand new. Our brand never utilizes used or old batteries for our toys so you can be sure that our Fidget Spinner will last longer compared to those brands that try to imitate our products.

Assorted Whistlecopter Fidget Spinners
Fidget toys, such as this light spinner toy from Whistlecopter, are among today’s trending toys; the second variety is one that has 9 led lights and three light setting which is really amazing; these are self-regulation items that promote attention, focus, calming effects, as well as active listening skills, making the toys perfect for children who are often restless. Children who also usually grab anything and everything to play with may definitely enjoy the Fidget Spinner since these toys provide sufficient amount of sensory input for children who seek things to touch and feel.
In fact, Studies have also shown that the Fidget Spinner Toys enhance one’s learning since these have helped increase students’ scores on a writing assessment by eighty-three percent; and as for the scores of those who were diagnosed with ADHD, these improved by twenty-seven percent. Aside from being trendy and very beneficial for children, the Fidget Spinner is also affordable, easy to introduce to young ones, plus these are all enjoyable and appealing to people of all ages. If you are searching for a great fidget toy, look no further and get the Fidget Spinner from Whistlecopter. Our Fidget Spinner will not only help improve one’s focus and attention span, but this will also be entertaining since it is the only hand spinner that emits the brightest lights that will surely attract anyone.

Whistlecopter’s Fidget Spinner Toy
With this amazing hand spinner from Whistlecopter, you can help your children, friends, and other family members who experience restless behavior by keeping them calm and focused. Whistlecopter’s Fidget Spinner is the brightest toy that you will find in the market and you can also choose from two models; one type of hand spinner has nine LED lights and features three modes of illumination which include color morphing, rapid strobing, and quick blinking. You can change the illumination settings by pressing the power button multiple times. Another model features three LED lights that have a single illumination setting. Both types of light spinner toys are great toys to keep anyone focused and entertained.
Whistlecopter is one of the best toy brands today that offer cool and amazing LED toys that do not only give a lot of fun and entertainment, but also offer toys that are durable and safe for your children to play with. All of Whistlecopter’s toys, just like this Fidget Spinner, are made from high-quality and non-toxic materials so you can ensure that everyone will have fun while playing. Moreover, while the Fidget Spinner offers you all of these benefits, it is also very affordable! If you wish to purchase Whistlecopter’s Fidget Spinner, visit our shop now and feel free to contact us at 305-785-4048 for wholesale prices and further inquiries.
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